JavaScript GoodBye XMLHttpRequest; AJAX with fetch API (with Demo) AJAX is a crucial part of any Web App. The primary way to do AJAX is through XMLHttpRequest. JavaScript has new fetch API which will remove the need to use the weird XMLHttpRequest
JavaScript Brief guide to Map, Reduce, ForEach and Filter for Arrays Loops are the important construct of programming language. More powerful is the looping, more things you can achieve in less time. Let's see how to iterate data with Map, Reduce ForEach and Filter.
JavaScript JavaScript Template Literals & Tagged Templates String formation from variables in JavaScript had been pain all the time. Not anymore; JavaScript Template Literals will save a lot of your time. Let's see the working & benefits of JavaScript Template Literals.
Firebase Upload Files to Firebase Storage with JavaScript Firebase; being a robust Realtime Database solution; it provides Storage of files as well. Learn how to upload files to Firebase Storage with JavaScript in simple steps
JavaScript Generate instant previews for image upload Quick and Easy solution to generate preview of images upload in vanilla javascript in callback and Promise style.
Web Accessible Rich Internet Applications-ARIA Accessible Rich Internet Application (ARIA) is way to ensure that Web Apps and Content is accessible to users with disability in similar or approximately similar way as to users without disability.
CSS CSS/CSS3 Flexbox Layout A quick and basic guide to CSS3 Flexbox layout and the ways to achieve simplest layouts with Flexbox
node.js Introducing get-it-ready Quickly create your documentation ready REST APIs on HapiJS and Mongoose with get-it-ready.
hapijs Plugin architecture in HapiJS Plugin Architecture will help you in creating your apps as a dependency and keeps the things separated. They provide effective context with server parameter
hapijs Introducing hapi-response-time hapi-response-time plugin will help in measuring the time taken by any api endpoint to generate the response & can be handy while debugging.
hapijs Intro to HapiJS [v16] HapiJS or simply Hapi is a framework for NodeJS to create HTTP based applications; frameworkâs name explains its purpose in a much better way; H(TTP)-API
JavaScript Front End Tip: Watch Data not DOM It will always be good to keep data as a single source of truth and make the DOM a reflection of it. This is what all major libraries are doing as well.
Firebase Firebase CRUD operations with JavaScript and jQuery Learn how to do Read and Write Data operations on Firebase Realtime Database i.e. Firebase CRUD operations with JavaScript and jQuery.
Firebase Firebase Manual User Registration in Web API User registrations with SDKs have been good but what if you wanna add users manually? Today we are going to see firebase manual user registration in its web API and restricting pages on the basis of logged-in state.
Firebase Custom Router for Firebase jQuery App The Routing is showing different information in the single webpage with the help of URL or URL hash value. Let's build a a custom router with jQuery and integrate it in Firebase Project
git Introducing list-repos for git repositories management list-repos utility list the repository directories and their active branches to quickly decide on the target directory to work on
Firebase Auth Schemes in Google Firebase Google Firebase offers many Authentication providers and here we will discuss Register and Login with Google, Facebook, Twitter, GitHub & Anonymous Login
frontend FrontEnd Development Workflow The Development workflow is always evolving and in my opinion it should keep evolving as we as developer are constantly growing.
ReactJS ToDo app with ReactJS ToDo app with ReactJS and Bootstrap CSS will walk you through the multi-component app. This will also set up a basic understanding of how the components communicate with each other
ReactJS Intro to ReactJS React is a new JavaScript Library to efficiently write the User Interface. It is also considered V in MVC architecture
JavaScript Checking overlap between elements Use this snippet to find the visual overlap between any two given elements with the help of getBoundingClientRect method of HTMLElement
AngularJS UI-Bootstrap: Bootstrap with AngularJS UI-Bootstrap is AngularJS module to enable the use of Bootstrap in AngularJS. It provides directives for all Bootstrap plugins along with some extra plugins like datepicker, timepicker etc
navigation Basic guide to create off-canvas navigation menu Hello friends! Today I am here with a guide to build off-canvas navigation menus for your website.Off canvas menus are handy UI elements if navigation items are fixed in count. It can also be used in the other case of varying navigation items but from the User Experience perspective;
JavaScript Resize Iframes seamlessly An solution to resize iframes seamlessly in the page. The Iframes can be on same domain or cross domain.
CSS Internet Explorer CSS Limits and Workarounds Supporting IE is not easy and I got to know these limits in hard way. Here is some info on those limit & some workarounds for that