webpack Styles' cache for Webpack with Style Loader Facing style cleanup issues when integrating with 3rd-party apps? Learn how to customize Webpack's style-loader to preserve your styles on page reload.
browser Chrome Alternative Browsers to checkout in 2024 Chrome has been the most used browser & dramatically changed the way we use the internet. Now, it's time to look beyond & try Chrome alternatives.
ReactJS ❌ When not to create a hook! React hooks have revolutionized front-end development with React and came with many misunderstandings. Let's see when NOT to create a hook.
TypeScript Organize TypeScript types with namespaces TypeScript Type management is a problem when the project starts to scale. Let's organize TS types with Namespaces & boost productivity 🚀
frontend Practice Project Ideas for Frontend Developers [2024] Enhance front-end skills by tackling common challenges and building projects like the CRUD app, social dashboard, component library, and WYSIWYG editor. Embrace automation and continuous learning for mastery.
ReactJS Too many useState? Let's useReducer! Feeling like your React component is cluttered with too many useState? Let's use useReducer to declutter applications & their understanding 💪
docker Understanding Docker Volumes Using docker volume properly will lead to higher productivity. Let's take a deep dive into docker volume & its configuration options.
productivity 3 ways you can improve your Reading habits Reading has many benefits, but it takes a lot of work. Here are some tips to improve reading habits gradually and not hate it.
docker Dockerize PHP app with Apache on HTTPS Secure websites are crucial these days. By Dockerizing it, let's learn how to enable HTTPS on localhost for a PHP application on Apache.
DevOps Continuous Deployment on DigitalOcean Droplets with Gitlab CI Pipelines Continuous Deployment for a custom project is challenging. Let's see how to do Continuous Deployment on DigitalOcean Droplets with Gitlab CI Pipelines.
docker Dynamically configure Docker Image builds Docker builds can not receive environment variables in the same way Container execution can. Let's see how you can pass values to adjust builds.
TypeScript Benefits of using TS Generics in your Design System Design Systems & TypeScript are a few of the common denominators in organizations for Product & Tech. Use Generics to have a better dev experience
CSS3 🧐 Can I use hover on Touch Devices? Here's CSS & JS Hack! Web dev supports multiple form factors with responsiveness. Let's see how NOT to handle touch devices & have better UX with pointer media queries
development It's never too late to change strategy One should always be thinking about the final outcome and the value it is going to bring, if it is not happening; some changes need to happen.
docker Containerization & Docker Fundamentals What if we ACTUALLY deliver our computer? Let's see how Containerization and Docker solve the "works on my computer" problem.
linux tree, get me directory size! Getting an understanding of how your drive is filled up is very important; especially on systems with no GUI. Let's see how the tree is helpful.
ReactJS Why it is Better to spread the Reducer in Files One way is Single File Reducer among multiple ways to arrange redux actions, action creators & reducers. Here's why you should break it down.
JavaScript Ways to convert String to Number in JS Converting from one type to another is needed very often. Let's take a look at some of the ways to Typecast Strings to Number in JavaScript
programming 3 Basic Tips for faster Code Reviews Merge Requests are huge part of Code Collaboration. Let's se how you can make the Code Review of Merge Request painless for the reviewer.
JAMStack When NOT to choose Next.js Next.js is powerful tool & has many use cases. Before deciding to use it for your next project; checkout cases when Next.js might not be best suited tool.
JAMStack JAMStack: Showing Top GitHub Repos with Netlify Functions APIs are important element of JAMStack. Let's build an API to show GitHub repos with Netlify Functions & integrate it in React+Tailwind UI with React Query
tools Why I chose Splitbee as replacement of Google Analytics Google Analytics has its pros & cons. With its concerns, I found Splitbee as GA replacement. It even replaces Google Optimize. Checkout all the reasons.
webpack Fixing WebpackChunkName for Dynamic Imports Are the Webpack Magic Comments webpackChunkName not effective and working with Babel? See how to Fix it and Tips to avoid related problems.
HTML5 Submitting Single Form to different Actions in HTML5 Forms in HTML5 will allow you to submit data to different URLs without extra code. We can utilize Browser’s APIs to get more things done with less code.
ReactJS Building Fast Forms in React with HTML5 & Validations While making WebApps, Forms are required all the time and always need some fine tuning. Let's see how to Build Fast Forms in React with HTML5 & Validations