browser Chrome Alternative Browsers to checkout in 2024 Chrome has been the most used browser & dramatically changed the way we use the internet. Now, it's time to look beyond & try Chrome alternatives.
JavaScript Base64 Converter: Encode/Decode to Base64 in Browser Base64 is a great encoding and decoding scheme for web; and best thing is that all browsers support it. See how to encode/decode to Base64 in Browser with Base64 converter
JavaScript Different Result from Array.sort() ? Different Result from Array.sort() on Chrome and Safari with same input ?
browser Forget Keyboard; Here are the Voice Controlled Browsers Chrome 25 beta is rolling out and it would be having feature to browse and control it by the Voice with the help of Web Speech API
browser Mozilla Firefox users can watch who is spying on them on internet Mozilla, maker of Firefox, has unveiled a new add-on for Firefox, that gives users an instant view of which companies are “watching” them as they browse.
browser Upgrade your browsing experience with Rockmelt The future web will be completely dependent on the Social Networks and the information being shared and the updates. The tool which is gonna do it for you is called Rockmelt.
browser Loop hole in Epic Browser The loop hole is that you can easily watch the videos, scraps and images of any Orkut account which has hide or blocked or prevented for you.
browser India’s First Browser: Epic! Software Company called Hidden Reflex, based in Bangalore, has launched new web browser named Epic. This is the first ever browser launched in India.