Priority Inbox by Google
When E-mail service was launched it was very handy and useful. It was so because of lot of benefits of E-mail over traditional mail like
- Speed
- Accurate Person
- No Word Limit
- No Distance Limit etc.
But now a days all these benefits of E-mail have become a headache and now people do not want to open their E-mail Inbox because of lot of spam E-mail, Service Mails, Subscribed Mails etc. in which the Useful one gets hidden. Many times we have to search the whole inbox for useful mail.
But now here comes Priority Inbox from Google. With priority Inbox you can set the priority for emails by which if the mail comes from the addresses having priority then they are at the top in reading queue. And also it arranges the mails in the Priority Box and Shifts all the rest of mails in a Sub Box named “Everything Else”. In the Priority Box if you find any mail useful and want to read again after some time just “Star” it and it will be shifted to a Sub Box named “Starred”. So you don’t have to worry about searching the important new or read mail once you have set the priorities.
To use this service you should simply have a Gmail Account. And existing Gmail users can get this service by clicking on the “Priority Inbox” link besides the “Settings” link and done. Now read mails and set their priority.
Here is the demo video of Priority Inbox from Google