7 More Products Shut by Google
Google has been shutting down some of its products and divisions over the past few months. Now the company has announced to shut down 7 more of its products over the coming weeks and months.
Urs Holzle, Senior Vice President of Operations in Google, wrote in the Google’s offical blog spot, “We are in the process of shutting a number of products which have not had the impact we had hoped for, integrating others as features into our broader product efforts, and ending several which have shown us a different path forward.”
Google has named this operation as “off-season spring cleaning series” and this is the third session where Google is shutting 7 more products. In September, 2011 Google started its first round of spring cleaning where it announced the death of Aardvark, Google Desktop, FastFlip, GooglePack software bundle, Google web security, Google Notebook and Sidewiki.
In the second round, Google shuttered Google Labs, Code Search and Buzz. After the launch of Google+, Google will remove social feature on January 2012 from iGoogle and it has already removed social feature in Google Reader.
Now it’s the time for the third round of spring cleaning where Google has announced to kill 7 more products. Here are the details of the products.
1. Google Bookmark Lists2. Google Friends Connect
3. Google Gears
4. Google Search Timeline
5. Google Wave
6. Knol
7. Renewable Energy Cheaper than Coal